...I had kind of a disturbing revelation today. Eating no longer feels good thanks to heartburn. The big O is no longer as good thanks to pubic pain. Sleeping no longer feels good at all b/c everything hurts. Pretty much the only thing that feels good these days is pooping. A good poop is a wonderful thing, and life is pretty bad when your best part of the day (if you're lucky enough to have one during the day)...is a poop.
...Somebody asked how it is possible for maternity pants to "fall down" despite the extra bodily growth, so I will explain the very complicated mathematical equation behind this phenomenon (for me anyway, I can't speak for others). Here goes: (Huge expanding ass + limited amount of ass covering material) / (stupid pants waistband that doesn't stretch past 8.5 months * thighs sausaged into thigh area with not enough material) = pants sticking on thighs of their own accord while pants fall halfway down the ass.
...It's actually a good thing my thighs keep these suckers up or I'd have them down around my ankles half the time, and I have a hard enough time walking around these days as it is. Can you say...quack quack, waddle waddle??
And….if all that wasn't enough to get a chuckle out of anyone....here's a view of my huge ass/belly from just a few days ago. Enjoy!

First! Hells Yeah!
Hey sexy pregnant redneck bitch! Good to see you and your massive belly - I sooo wanna touch.
Been thinking of you often. And thanks so much for the poop talk and the pants falling down info. That clears up a lot.
Kisses and good luck babe! Missing you.
Darlin', what does it say about me when my days resemble yours and my belly/ass look like that, and I ain't even prego?! LOL!
Looking pretty, mama!!
Can't wait!!!
I just wanna squidge ya and squeeze ya and put my hand on your belly. You look absolutely adorable.
I've just spent the whole day photographing a pregnant woman and it was amazing.
Good luck, honey. x
Honey, I am wondering how you and the baby are?? do you mind me asking?? I have been thinking about you?? Are you all happy and healthy???
Good luck, good pain killers, good baby.
I wanna see some pictures of the little guy ASAP.
Hi April? Any news honey?
(AS if you'd even think of writing on here, lol.) I hope everything went well for you both. xxxx
When you get the time to check this, I do hope everything went well for you both...big hugs April.
Okay you ought to have sprung that bundle by now...
What's happenin' girl?
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