My life is crazy busy (how can an almost 4 month old keep you SO damn busy? Don't ask...) with work, my children and my adorable husband. I actually feel like the luckiest damn girl in the world these days.
And who woulda thunk it after my 2007?
I keep thinking back to what a good friend of mine said. I thank God for the bad stuff, b/c it has led me to where I am today. And I wouldn't trade ANYthing for where I am today.
I have a great husband who treats me as if I'm the queen of the world. I have a wonderful 7 year old son who is on cloud 9 constantly b/c of his father. And I have an almost 4 month old son who is as healthy as a horse & growing like a weed.
I'm. So. Damn. Lucky.
Just LOOK at this cutie!!
I think I'm in love!! Ian is so completely precious!!!
I'm thrilled that your life is going so wonderfully well!! You certainly deserve it all!!!!
Love ya!
Ian is adorable!
I'm so pleased for you April. You deserve every little bit of this happiness, so enjoy each and every second of it. x
He'll make a fine pirate one day...
Good for you darlin, happy everything's going so well and glad for Luke too.
Keep it goin!
How wonderful for you! We should all remember this!
Ian is so adorable! Enjoy that house full of boys.
And wearing the absolute right clothes! *hugs*
April, I am absolutely thrilled for you. And I have to say, "your boys" are lucky to have YOU too.
I am smiling from ear to ear after reading this.
Hugs to you Honey. And give that litte darling boy a squeeze for me.
Hello Little Man!
What an absolute doll!
I'm so happy for you. I remember not so long ago how unhappy you were pre-newhubby and I just couldn't be more thrilled.
What a great post. I am happy to hear you are doing so well. Your little guy is out of this world cute. Congrats on it all.
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