Monday, October 10, 2011

One of THOSE days....

This is the first post I've made on this blog since 2008. A third son has joined our family since my previous post. I haven't blogged because I didn't want to blog, but because I haven't made the time to blog. If you're reading this, thank you for joining me on my journey to a new beginning.
If you're a mom, I think you know what kind I'm referring to. The days where you can never seem to catch up.
After dropping the oldest off at school and the 3 year old to preschool, the youngest and I head to the grocery store. I can never seem to get it together enough to buy everything we need at one time, so it's off we go. As I'm putting up the groceries, Bram is eating yogurt. I open one cabinet and a wine glass falls out to crash to the counter and broken glass proceeds to scatter from one counter, to the stove, to the opposing counter and to the floor. Of course, as I'm cleaning up the glass, Bram throws his spoon and half full container of yogurt to the floor. As a mom to three boys, I can NEVER to keep caught up on cleaning. It is a constant 24/7 job.
And, of course, as I sit here to type this, the previous named 17mth old is no longer happily playing alone, but yelling for me.
Ah...I love my life, but I do wish for a minute just for me sometimes. And then feel guilty for wishing for it.


KLZ said...

It's hard not to have both the wish and the guilt. Seems like they're a package deal now, huh?

Shell said...

I feel like I never get ahead of anything. Busy all day, doing nothing.

Welcome back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Hoping you have a more restful week.

Jessica said...

I know these days well. I hope the rest of your week gets better.

SHUG IN BOOTS {Beth} said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have came back. It is hard to balance all that a mom has on her plate.